William Keene, was believed to be Fannie’s second husband and it was he who gave her the photograph album for her 42nd birthday in 1884. Together they lived in Lewistown, Illinois.
William Keene had been married before to a woman name Clarissa and tother they had 3 children. The incident as reported in the newspapers involves one of their daughters and a shooting. Here is what the article in the Lewistown Union, September 16, 1870 said:
Shooting Affray
On last Tuesday night a serious affray took place at White’s barbershop, in Lewistown, between Wm. Keene and George White (both colored barbers) in which the latter received two shots from a small pistol discharged at him by the former.
The circumstances as we learn from rumor, are about as follows:
Keene has a daughter, to whom White has for some time been paying attention, and whom he had promised to marry. On Tuesday, the 6th inst., he went to Galesburg with her and was absent two days. He returned on Thursday or Friday following, leaving her. On Monday last Keene started in quest of his daughter, and finding her at some point in Iowa, learned from her that she had left home with White under the promise from him that they would go north and marry. He fond that White had stopped at the Galesburg House with his daughter and registered under a fictitious name Joseph B______. After being with her two days he forgot his promise or refused to fulfill it and came home. Keene returned home on Tuesday last, and being incensed at the perfidy of White went directly from the depot to White’s shop where a conversation relative to the matter was had. Keene drew a revolver and shot, the ball taking effect in the right thigh. White made his escape through the door into the street followed by Keene, who shot twice more, the first striking him in the back about the point of the right shoulder blade, the other missing him entirely. White, then took refuge in the Standar Hotel, Keene pursuing with drawn revolver. At this point bystanders interfered and prevented further violence.
Keene was arrested and committed to jail for the night, and White found shelter at a private house. Wednesday morning Keene was arraigned before Justice Beggs for disturbing the peace and violating the ordinance in discharging a pistol within the city limits. He was fined $30 and costs and discharged.
The ball were small and the wounds are not considered dangerous.